The snapshot is a tool that allows to significantly reduce the activation time of a node in Avalanche. SenseiNode made this tool available to the Avalanche community and updates it periodically.
How to use Snapshot
1. You must have previously installed your Avalanche node and access the path to the database folder, usually /root/.avalanchego/db/.
2. Stop the service (or container).
3. Move the above "db/mainnet" folder to another location
shellcd < your-avax-folder >/avalanche/db mv mainnet mainnet_old
4. Download the latest Snapshot
shellwget -O ~/avalanche_mainnet_20220621.tar \
5. Extract the content of the downloaded tarball
shelltar -xf ~/avalanche_mainnet_20220621.tar -C .
6. Rename the Avalanche node.
Get the snapshot
Protocolo: | Avalanche |
Block height: | 16524594 |
Fecha de Actualización: | 26 de Junio de 2022 |
Link para Download: |