Introduction is a fully decentralized open ETH staking network, based on the development of Secret Shared Validator (SSV), the network will provide an open and simple infrastructure for anyone who wants to run an Ethereum validator; from DIY users to engagement groups and large institutional engagement services.
Documentation about SSV Network available on SenseiNode
SSV/DVT| Sensei Dojo
La tecnología de validadores distribuidos es un protocolo de código abierto que permite distribuir las funciones de un validador entre…

The SSV network consists of 3 main 'pillars': Stakers, Operators and DAO members. Traders and stakers can take on dual roles, both staking ETH and helping other users manage their stake. Anyone can act as a DAO member and play a significant role in the governance of the network. A flourishing ecosystem requires all three components to grow and prosper.
SSV network has 2 layers:
- SSV P2P network: it is the execution layer, it reads the current operator list and validator assignments (along with operator actions) from [Ethereum] contracts( ethereum-2-0-and-why-it-imports) and operates the validators on the network.
- The contract layer is the management/governance layer where actions like adding an operator, creating a validator and paying fees happen.
What is SSV?
Secret Shared Validators (SSV) is the first secure and robust way to split a validation key for ETH staking between untrusted nodes or operators.
The protocol enables distributed control and operation of an Ethereum validator. The key is divided in such a way that no operator must trust the other to operate, a certain number can go offline without affecting network performance, and no operator can unilaterally take control of the network. The result is decentralization, fault tolerance, and optimal security for staking on Ethereum.
Summary SSV technical
SSV is a sophisticated multiple – signature wallet with a consensus layer. It is an intermediate layer that stands between a beacon node and a validator client. From the user's perspective, it's just a component to plug in and take care of everything on their behalf. The main components of an SSV configuration are as follows:
This process generates a set of shared public and private keys calculated by the operators running an SSV instance. Each operator owns a single part of the private key, which guarantees that no operator can affect or have control over the entire private key and make unilateral decisions.
This mechanism is used to reconstruct a validation key using a predefined threshold of KeyShares. Individual KeyShares cannot be used to sign a duty, but not all of them are required if some are defective as described by n≥3f + 1. can take advantage of BLS signatures, allowing multiple signatures to be combined to recreate a validation key signature. By combining Shamir and BLS, keys are 'broken down' to share and regroup each time a duty is assigned.
The application of Secure Multi-Party Computing (MPC) to the secret exchange allows the KeyShares of an SSV to be distributed between the operators in a secure way, as well as to perform decentralized calculation of validator tasks without rebuilding the validator key on a single device. .
Tying it all together, the SSV consensus layer is based on the Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance (IBFT) algorithm. The algorithm randomly selects a validator node (KeyShare) responsible for the block proposal and for sharing the information with the other participants. Once the block is deemed valid by KeyShares predefined threshold, it is added to the chain. As such, a consensus can be reached even if some operators (up to the threshold) are faulty or not currently online.