
SenseiNode Staking Deposit CLI Guide


Step 1: Download the Wagyu tool

First, download the Wagyu. app.

Step 2: Secure your Mnemonic Seed

The next step involves a mnemonic seed, which you must guard carefully.
Please write it down and store it safely. It is the ONLY way to retrieve your deposit.

Step 3: Choose the number of Validators

In the deposit-cli process, you can select the number of validators you wish to have. We recommend at least 10 validators for safe scaling.

Step 4: Choose the Network

Next, choose the network. We recommend leaving the default as "mainnet."

Step 5: Set Passphrase

Choose a passphrase to be shared with SenseiNode for infrastructure management. This passphrase is used to decrypt the keystores.

Step 6: Set Control Address

Choose the control address for the withdrawals that is going to be on your control. This is the address where rewards will be received.

Important Disclaimers

Before you proceed, it's crucial to understand that staking on Ethereum, like any other blockchain activity, carries certain risks. Here are some important points to keep in mind:
  1. Queue Time for Validator Deposits: The time it takes for a validator to be activated depends on network congestion and not on SenseiNode's delivery time. Please be patient and prepare for possible delays.
  1. Double Deposits: Duplicate deposits with the same keyfile public key will be considered as a double deposit.
  1. Double signing and slashing: Be very careful with the mnemonic used and the indices of the keystores. If mnemonics with the same indices are used to derive the keystores on two distinct validator nodes, double signing will occur, leading to slashing.
  1. Resubmitting Transactions: Wait at least 30 minutes before trying to resubmit a transaction with the same deposit_data file. This allows the on-chain data source time to flag any duplicate deposits.
  1. Security of Mnemonic Seed: Be extremely careful with your mnemonic seed and the indices of the keystores. If the same mnemonic seed indices are used on different validator nodes, double signing and slashing can occur.
  1. Responsibility: Remember that you are responsible for your transactions and the security of your funds. Always make sure to secure your mnemonic phrase properly, and never share it with anyone.

SenseiNode Staking Deposit CLI Guide

This guide is intended for Ethereum Validators run by SenseiNode. It explains how to create a staking deposit CLI securely in a non-custodial way, adhering to the security recommendations by the Ethereum Foundation. By following these instructions, you'll be prepared to stake your Ethereum in a safe and secure manner.


  • Generated validator keys.
  • Make sure that you have at least 32 ETH for each validator you intend to stake.
  • We recommend during this process to create at least 20 validators keys to allow for secure scaling.

Ethereum Staking Launchpad Guide for SenseiNode Validators

Step-by-step Guide:

  1. Navigate to the Ethereum Staking Launchpad: Open your browser and go to the Ethereum Staking Launchpad: https://launchpad.ethereum.org/.
  1. Select the Ethereum 2.0 network: Choose 'Mainnet' from the options provided.
  1. Specify the number of validators you wish to run: Enter the number of validators you intend to stake on. Remember, each validator requires 32 ETH.
  1. Go through the presented knowledge checklist: Before you can continue, the Launchpad wants to ensure you understand the implications and risks of staking. Read each point and click the checkbox if you understand it.
  1. Upload your deposit file: Upload the deposit data file that was generated from the Ethereum deposit CLI tool or Wagyu's interface.
  1. Connect your Ethereum wallet: This wallet should contain the ETH you want to stake. Wallet options include MetaMask, Ledger, Trezor, Lattice, and WalletConnect.
  1. Confirm the transactions: The Launchpad will initiate a transaction for each validator you want to stake on. Confirm these transactions in your Ethereum 1.0 wallet.
  1. Wait for the transactions to be mined: The transactions must be mined to the Ethereum 1.0 network before they are included in the Beacon Chain.
  1. Check your staking status: Once the transactions are mined, you can check your staking status on the Beacon Chain. The Ethereum Staking Launchpad will provide a link to this.