
RPC Node access | Ethereum Public Good


SenseiNode maintains a free, publicly accessible Ethereum RPC node to contribute to the decentralization of this protocol. This node can be configured by users in the wallet to channel their transactions, free of censorship or restrictions.

Metamask Configuration Guide

  1. Click on your account icon and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  1. Select the Networks option to access the network settings.
  1. Click Add Network to configure a new RPC node. The following fields will be displayed to parameterize the new network:
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  1. Enter a name in the Network Name field, for example Ethereum-Sensei.
  1. In the New RPC URL field enter: https://eth.senseinode.com
  1. Enter 1 for Chain ID and ignore the “This Chain ID is currently used by the mainnet network” alert.
  1. Enter ETH in the Currency Symbol field.
  1. Enter https://etherscan.io/ in the Block Explorer URL field.
  1. Click on Save
Now your Metamask transactions will be processed via the SenseiNode node and you can be confident in its availability and you will be contributing to the decentralization of Ethereum.